Treehouse uses TeamGantt to Launch Popular New Service
There are lots of really cool companies using TeamGantt as their project management software. However we want to highlight one special company today. You may have heard some buzz about them lately....
View ArticleWhat is a Milestone in a Gantt Chart?
One question we receive from time to time is “What is a milestone in a gantt chart”? A milestone is simply a way to mark an important point in the project. Examples could include: Project Kick-Off...
View ArticleNew Feature: Sub Groups!
We recently released a great new feature that allows you to get as detailed as you like while planning your projects. You can now create sub groups. Here is a short video showing you how to get started.
View ArticleNew Dashboard!
We are excited that we were able to release a brand new dashboard last week! The new dashboard gives a little more detail about each of your projects at a glance. You can quickly see things like how...
View ArticleGantt Chart Example
Many people have never seen a gantt chart before. This post is going to show an example of a gantt chart. A gantt chart is simply a timeline view of your project. The left hand side is a list of …
View Article8 Ways to Make Your PM Life Easier
This is guest post from author Brad Egeland. Managing projects is difficult enough. Projects generally fail to one degree or another at a greater than 50% rate and the project manager – and team – are...
View ArticleBringing a New Team Member to the Project
Ideally, we keep our project team intact throughout the engagement, and ideally everyone works together productively, efficiently, and cohesively. And ideally everyone does a great job, has no run-ins...
View ArticleView Resource Availability Inside your Gantt Charts!
After many requests, it is now possible to easily see how many tasks someone has assigned to them on any given day. And yes, this does factor in tasks that a person or resource is assigned to in other...
View ArticleSimple Mobile Access to TeamGantt
We recently released a neat way to be able to see your task lists and update your progress from a mobile device. It’s very simple and accomplishes what we have been hearing is most important: 1)...
View ArticleHow to Eliminate Space Between Dependent Tasks
There is a little known feature in TeamGantt that allows you to eliminate the space between dependent tasks in your gantt chart. Some people want to be able to leave gaps between tasks and this is very...
View ArticleHow to Create an Editorial Calendar
This is a guest post by Joe Williams from Zen Optimise about how he uses TeamGantt as an editorial calendar. TeamGantt has been invaluable in helping us launch our new website. It’s easy to use, makes...
View ArticleWelcome Meredith Reynolds to TeamGantt!
We are very excited to announce that we have a new team member here at TeamGantt! Meredith is the new Product Specialist. She has actually been with the company since October, so this welcome is a...
View ArticleUse Sleep As Your Secret Weapon to Success [Infographic]
With top athletes such as Lebron James and Roger Federer sleeping 12 hours a day on average, there is good reason to think that sleep is a major tool to increase our productivity and performance. I...
View ArticleTeamGantt Gets an Updated Look!
We are very excited to announce that as of late last night an updated design has been released! We have gone through and made subtle updates to the colors, fonts, lines, buttons and more. Next time...
View ArticleAnnouncing – A Guide To Project Management!
One thing that is really hard to find is a good resource describing best practices for project management. Not everyone wants to or needs to become certified and go through lots of training to be a...
View ArticleNew Feature – List View is now live!
While we can all agree gantt charts are awesome, we have found that sometimes people who aren’t part of the planning, can be a bit overwhelmed by a gantt chart. So for those people, we created the...
View ArticleSpecial Offers from Our Friends
We are excited to announce that we are partnering with a few great companies that have generously offered their services at a discounted rate to TeamGantt users. 1) Tuts+ Learn skills including code,...
View ArticleThe #1 Reason that We Work Remotely at TeamGantt
People will often ask us if we have an office or when we plan to get one. Our immediate response is that we have no plans to get an office for TeamGantt. The reason is that we wouldn’t get anything …
View ArticleChallenge: 3 Apps to Avoid for the First Two Hours of Your Morning.
When I look back at my most productive days, it’s the one where the first minute of my working day was diving right into the most important task of the day. Then staying focused on that for the next 1-2 …
View ArticleNEW FEATURE: Automatically Set Task Bar Color based off of Who is Assigned
This has been a highly requested feature for some time and now it’s live! You can click on the People tab at the top of your project to set a default color for each person on your team. Once you do...
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